TEXT: Acts 12:6-7 “And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly….”
Peter was at a very critical stage in his life, he was in bondage and needed immediate freedom. The angel of the Lord appeared in the cell to ensure peter’s freedom. Our text scripture records that when the angel of the Lord appeared in Peter’s prison cell, light shown in the cell. Light figuratively refers to the word of God [Ps.119:105]. The truth of God’s word is a liberating force from every form of bondage [John8:32]. Beloved, you do not need to run from one place to another in search of freedom. You have already been set free from every bondage by the finished work of Jesus Christ. However, ignorance of this truth will keep you in captivity. God affirmed this truth with these words, “My people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge… [Isaiah 5:13]. In other words, God was simply saying, “my people are in bondage because they lack light”. People don’t feel, taste or hear light, they see light. That means light is an attractive force because it enables them to see. Even the devil is attracted to light and challenges only come to those who are shinning.
You cannot afford to dwell in ignorance of what the word of God says about you. One of the enemy’s deceptive tools is to keep you from knowing who you are and what has been made available to you in the word of God. To dwell in ignorance is to be completely shut out from all that Jesus suffered and died for. Choose to know God’s word by not allowing it to depart from your heart day and night. Let the light of God’s word shine and expel every subtle form of captivity that has enslaved you in the past, break loose from its hold by the knowledge of its truth. Declare today that you will no longer dwell in ignorance, I will seek to know the truth of God’s word concerning my family, job, finance, marriage, and the truth I know and apply will bring about my liberation. I acknowledge that in Jesus’ light I see light.
MEDITATION: John 8:32, 36
ACCTS 9:1-25/JOSHUA 3:1-5/JOB 22
Godhead Interdenominational Ministry