TEXT: 2Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him….”
God loves and accepts you as much on your bad days as He does on your good ones. In a performance-based society, that’s easy to forget. But you mustn’t! God’s acceptance is based on your standing in Christ, not the state of your life at a given time. ‘For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His (not our) goodness].’ Think of the cross as a trading post. There God took every sin you’d ever committed and laid it upon Jesus. And the moment you place your trust in Christ, God takes all of Christ’s righteousness and wraps you up in it. From that point on, He sees you only one way-in Christ. How liberating! Liberating, because now you realize that your worth isn’t based on what you do but on who you are in relationship to Christ. God actually assigned value to you by allowing Jesus to die for you. ‘But I can’t believe that God doesn’t care about what I do.’ You’re right! And your rewards in heaven will be based on your stewardship here on earth.
God wants you to do good works, but He doesn’t want you to depend on them; He wants you to do them out of love for Him. Once you understand your position, who you are in Christ, you begin doing the right things for the right reasons.
MEDITATION : Eph. 1:4-6, 2:10
STUDY THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Eph. 6; Ezek.17; Is 46
copyright Spirit And Life Family Bible Church and Godhead Prayer Ministry