TEXT: Colossians 3:9 “Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old with his, deeds…”
The bible speaks about ‘putting off’ certain sins. Then it speaks about ‘putting on’ certain Christ-like characteristics. Using this metaphor of clothing, let’s meditate on the acronym RAGS:
l) RESENTMENT. How’s your irritability level these days? Are you more, or less, easily irritated? How about bitterness and unforgiveness?
When someone hurts you, do you attack or withdraw? Is your handling of resentment getting better, worse, or in neutral?
2) ANXIETY. On a scale of one to ten, what’s your discouragement level
these days? Do you have more or fewer fears about money, your health, your job, or what other people think of you? Do you allow those tears to keep you from doing what God wants? Do you find your concerns motivate you to pray more frequently?
3) GREED. Greed is just mis-managed desire. So is your self-control going up, down, or is it in neutral? Are you living with more openness and less hiddenness than you used to—living more of your life in the light? Do you find that what you desire and enjoy is increasingly in line with what God wants for you?
4) SUPERIORITY. Are you becoming less preoccupied with self? Do you find yourself thinking more about other people than God, as well as the work He has for you to do?
How often in conversation do you remark on the positive characteristics of others instead of their negative qualities? Are you hard, jaded and cynical? Are you spending more or less time serving others? Today, ask God to help you look into your heart and give you the grace to deal with what you find there in prayers and fasting- throne room of grace in times of need to find help (Heb 4:16)
MK 15:1-20; 1KGS 10; HOS 11:12-13:14