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TEXT: Joshua 3:7 “The Lord told Joshua “Today I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites. They will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses….”

I love the promise that God gave to Joshua. He said, “Joshua, today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” He was saying, “Today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favor, My blessings, My increase” but notice, there was a set time that God began to release favor in a new way.
Beloved, God wants to do the same thing for you. He wants to release His blessings and favor in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend, a great business person. He is saying to us what He said to Joshua, “This day, I’m going to begin to make your name great. This day, I’m going to begin to release My favor in a new way. I’m going to open doors that no man can shut. It is a set time of God’s favor. Get ready! Make room in your thinking. He wants our thoughts and attitudes to come into alignment with His Word so that we can see His promises come to pass in our lives.
Your life will follow the course you set with your mind. When you align your thoughts with God’s thoughts, your life will follow Him. Jeremiah 29 tells us that His thoughts are for our good. His thoughts are for our peace. His thoughts are for our victory! So today, align your thoughts with His thoughts by meditating on His Word. . Stay open to Him and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy because this day, God has something amazing in store for you!

MEDITATION: Proverbs 23:7a, Josh. 4:14

Numbers 4; Ps. 38; songs 2; Heb. 2

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