TEXT: 2 Corinthians 1:4 “who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Of all the names given to God in Scripture, none is more consoling than ‘…the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our troubles.- (vs. 3-4 NIV). Notice the words ‘all comfort’. This means there are no exceptions and no limitations to God’s comfort, no matter how dreadful your circumstances. Comfort is God’s name and nature; it’s who He is and what He naturally wants to do! You can’t get close to Him and not be comforted. Lack of comfort results from disconnecting from God—usually the result of a lack of faith. Comfort comes by faith. You can know intellectually that He’s the ‘God of all comfort’, but not feel comforted because of your doubts. Jesus instructed the blind man who came for healing, ‘..According to your faith be it unto you’ (Matthew 9:29KJV). ‘Knowing’ needs the addition of ‘believing’ before you’ll experience comfort. Feeling follows faith, not vice versa! In an adventure of taking your first ocean cruise you would certainly have some concern about safety. The captain would assure you of his qualification and the ship’s latest version in the world; equipped with modern communications and safety equipment. If, like too many Christians, you refuse to believe him until you first feel the comfort, you’ll probably disembark or spend the entire voyage unnecessarily sick with worry. Perhaps if you make up your mind to believe the captain’s word, you’ll soon feel the lessening of anxiety and the presence of comfort! Today, decide to trust the ‘Captain of our Salvation’ who promises to ‘comfort us in all our troubles’, and you’ll experience the comfort He provides by the Holy Spirit (John 14:16).
Even in those times when you don’t feel close to God, His feelings for you haven’t changed. His faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Read (Psalm 36:5-11; 1Thes 5:24; 2Thes 3:3).
MATT 11:1-19/LEV 11 & 12/PROV 24