TEXT : 1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith….”
Of a truth beloved, the earth is groaning as prescribed in the scriptures and life challenges or experiences are evident everywhere. The solutions to these challenges are embedded in Christ and he expects us to understand that they are fleeting. We all face pressures from time to time but, God didn’t create us to be overwhelmed and overcome; He created us to be over comers!
During the times when we face challenges, it’s our attitude that is most important. In a minute, let us see what attitude is all about. When something isn’t going your way month after month, how do you respond? Are you tempted to get sour or start expecting the worst? Does your mind start playing out all the scenarios? It may be easy to get down and discouraged but, if we go around thinking it’s never going to work out; our attitude limits what God can do. Obviously, when we believe and trust that God is bigger than our problems, that’s what allows God to show up and turn negative situations around. Now, believe that you are created to overcome. There is condent victory ahead for your future. Stand strong with the attitude of an over comer and watch what God will do on your behalf! The miraculous indeed! Keep an attitude of faith always in your actions. (Jn 16:33). Meditate on this Scripture (2Cor 4:17)
Meditation: 1 Cor. 10:13
Bible Study
Gen. 39; Mark 9; Job 5; Romans 9