TEXT: Acts 3:4 “And Peter, fastening his eyes upon
him with John, said, Look on us…”
In today’s verse, Peter and John are on their way to the temple to pray. While pressing through the crowds, they encounter a beggar who had been “lame from birth” (Acts 3:2). When the man asked them for money, rather than fuIfill his request, the apostles looked him straight in the eye, and Peter commanded, ” Look at us!”
Peter demanded the lame man’s full attention to shift his focus his perspective from his immediate needs. To move this beggar beyond the visible and ordinary to the invisible and extraordinary. “Look at us” seemed only like three simple words. However, God used them to shift this man’s perspective and change his life. Here’s other places in the Bible where God interrupted someone’s life to shift their perspective:
Hagar in the wilderness to see a well of water (Gen.21 :19); Balaam to see the angel of the Lord (Num. 22:31); Elisha’s servant so he could see the chariots of fire (2 Kgs 6:17). It was only by God shifting their focus from the earthly to the heavenly, the natural to the supernatural, from despair to hope, fear to trust, that they experienced the extraordinary hand of God at work in their midst.
Once the beggar locked eyes on peter and John, he received the gift they had for him but it wasn’t money. It was far better than silver or gold. By the power and authority Jesus had given them, the man was healed. This beggar, lame from birth, Instantly, Completely, Healed. Sometimes thoughts of fear, despair and hopelessness consume us. Sometimes the entanglements of this world interrupt, even hinder, God’s ability to work in our lives. We must make a choice to ‘Stop. Look. Fix our eyes on Jesus. It’s here God will provide in ways more marvelous than we could ever ask or imagine. Like the beggar, we too will experience God’s life- transforming miracles. We will move from the earthly to the heavenly, beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary.
MEDITATION: 2 Cor. 4:18
Joshua 1; Ps: 120-122; Isaiah 61; Matthew 9