TEXT: Galatians 1:10 “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ….”
Some important observations:
1) Criticism is often ego-based. Oswald Chambers wrote, ‘Beware of anything that puts you in the place of the superior person.’ That’s exactly what criticism does: it highlights you as the one who ‘knows’. Not only that, it gives you the satisfaction of shining the spotlight on others. People find it much harder to see your life when you’re shining the glaring light of criticism on theirs. When you live this way your attitude says, ‘If I can’t make it in this world by what I do, I’ll make it by knowing what you should do better.’ James writes, ‘these things ought not so to be’ (James 3:10). Also, Paul writes, ‘Love each other…and take delight in honouring each other’ (Rom 12:10).
2) Criticism can break hearts. Imagine how Moses felt when his brother and sister suddenly turned on him.
The fact that people closest to us know the details of our lives, we’re always vulnerable to their criticism. Sometimes as parents we leave our children’s lives in shambles by creating a home that’s rife with criticism. Perhaps, as you read these words you hear the voice of your harshest critic – a parent, brother, sister , friend, spouse, colleague who constantly put you down whose words still ring in your memory: ‘You were never any good’; ‘You’ll never amount to anything.’
3) How should you respond to criticism? Paul answers: ‘If I were…trying to please men, I would not be a…servant of Christ’ (Gal 1:10). Instead of listening to your critics, centre your attention on what God thinks of you and your life will take an upswing. In the final analysis, Jesus- the centre of your life is the only opinion that counts. Speak faith – filled Words; what God’s Word says about you.
Meditation: Rom 12:10-13
Bible Study
Gen. 37; Mark 7; Job 3; Romans 7