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TEXT: Psalms 33:5-6 “He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens
made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth….”

The work God does is creative. He made heaven, earth, and all living creatures. He formed Adam and Eve in His image and knitted each of us in our mother’ s womb.
His work is also powerful. Through His Son Jesus, He accomplished a great salvation for all who trust in the Savior. Our heavenly Father worked mightily to open a way for us to be reconciled to Him and adopted into His family. Not only that, but God’s work is ongoing, and Jesus is the One who holds all things together (Col. 1:17). In order to recognize God’s handiwork, we need to pray in an active, persistent manner. Christ-centered prayers narrow our focus to the Lord, then we can more readily identify His actions and see how to join Him. Self-centered petitions serve to distract us from Him. The Father also wants our heart and mind yielded to His will.
Pursuing our own agenda shifts the focus to ourselves and makes us lose sight of the Lord but a submissive attitude prepares us to listen and obey. Regularly concentrating on God’s Word will clear our minds and help us understand what the Lord is doing. When we combine these disciplines with discernment and patience, we will have positioned ourselves to discover how God is working in our lives and in our world. Our Lord is at work today—calling to saving faith and the redeemed to a closer walk with Him. His plans include individuals, families, and nations. Have you been too busy or distracted to notice what He’s doing? Confess your inattention and refocus your heart and mind on Him.

MEDITATION: Hebrews 12:1-2

Deut. 11; Ps. 95&96; Isaiah 39; Rev. 9

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