TEXT: Matthew 4:23 “Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness…..”
Jesus healed multitudes – that was his mission. He came to heal as well as to save. He did not come from glory to earth only for those people who happened to be alive during that period in history. That was only the beginning. “And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him”: [Mark 1:34]
The Bible says it was what Jesus began to do”. By His deeds, he showed us what he wanted to do, so that we can see what he was – and still is – like. He came to heal them so that he could heal you, People living in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry possibly thought of Jesus more as a healer than anything else.
He set out to heal. That was Jesus. He did not wait for the sick to come to him — he often went to them. The apostle Peter actually said that Jesus went around for that very purpose.
Healing was a major part of his mission, and Jesus said God sent him to do those very works.
If a man spends eight years or more studying to become a doctor, when he has finished his studies, he will open a surgery to treat sick people. It would be ridiculous for a doctor not to practice after all his efforts to qualify. We read in Matthew 8:17 “…Himself took Our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses”. This is a quotation from the prophet Isaiah about the crucifixion. Christ bore your pains and your sins in his own body on the cross. If Jesus died for you, it is not too much to expect him to heal you.
MEDITATION: Isaiah 53:4-5
Numbers 9; Ps. 45; songs. 7; Heb. 7