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TEXT: Matthew 21:22 “And all things, whatsoever ye shall Ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive….”

In the natural realm, we exchange money for the things we want and need, but in the spiritual realm, faith is what we exchange. The Bible tells us that when we pray, if we have faith, we will receive what we pray for.
Faith is heaven’s currency. Faith moves mountains. Faith opens supernatural doors. Faith pleases God. What is faith? It is simply believing God and His Word. It’s believing in His goodness and knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him. Faith is believing that the promises of God are true. It’s obeying His Word. Where does faith come from? Everyone is given a measure of faith at redemption. Jesus resurrection which is the platform of our individual measure of belief (Eph 2:8). The Book of Romans also tells us that faith grows by hearing the Word of God. The more you hear the Word of God, the more real it becomes in your life and the easier it is to believe His promises.
It doesn’t matter how much faith you have today, begin investing your faith in God’s Word. As you hear and obey the Word by the help of the Holy Spirit that carries the whole gamut of faith; this Spirit of faith in us believes all things (Acts 24:14) and also empowers us to move forward in receiving every good gift He has made available for you. This heavenly currency called faith in Christ is the ticket that makes us overcomers. (1 Jn. 5:4-5). Without Faith it is impossible to please God. Therefore, let us take a conscious effort to employ our trust in who our father God is and says in His Word.

Meditation: Heb. 11:6, Rom 3:28

Bible Study
Gen. 16; Matthew 15; Nehemiah 5; Acts 15

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