TEXT: JEREMIAH 3:22 “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God….”
What’s the root of failures?Failure doesn’t lie in the Strength of the enemy or our own weakness, or God’s reluctance to help us overcome. Israel was defeated by a small town after having conquered mighty Jericho. Their failure, like ours, was the result of unconfessed sin (Joshua 7). Hence, you and I cannot continue in sin that grace may abound. Our sins have been abolished and washed with Jesus blood on the cross. Therefore confessing shows our faults; sins that doth easily beset us, we are frail beings. This is dependent on God’s forgiveness and the power of His Blood (Heb 10:13). We are admonished not to live from confession to confession, but live from faith to faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work. Once their sin was brought to light and dealt with, God spoke words of encouragement to them.
‘…Don’t be timid… Take all your soldiers…l have turned the king of Ai over to you—his people, his city, and his land’ (Joshua 8:1).
Sin unacknowledged will keep you defeated, but sin confessed will bring you forgiveness and restoration that leads to victory. The lesson here is simple: anything we cling to that’s contrary to God’s Word will cause us to fall before our enemies. Always keep before you Davids prayer: Search me, O God, and know my heart…see if there be any wicked way in me,..'(Psalms 139:23-24 NKJV).
Whatever God shows you, confess it immediately and by faith receive His forgiveness and cleansing. Then you’ll be able to stand victorious before any tough situation. In conclusion, our forgiveness is not dependent on our confession, but on the blood of Jesus and He is our advocator and Peace. Read Acts 19:18-20; Col 1:12-13
MEDITATION; Hos 14:1; James 5:13-16
JN 19:17-42; 2 CHR 30 ; PS 86