TEXT: John 17:4 “l have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.
Unfinished business drains your energy without you even realising it. The Internet has made the problem worse, because now you get more ‘messages’ in one day than you used to get in a month. When you don’t focus on something, you don’t finish it. So you end up frustrated, feeling like ‘nothing is done’. If you don’t take control of your time, the most forceful people and most urgent situations in your life will. Before Christ picked His twelve disciples or calmed the storm on Galilee, He spent all night in prayer. ‘He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone’ (John 6:15 NKJV). Note the word ‘again’. Jesus regularly retreated from the pressures of the crowd in order to determine His priorities. Beloved, do you believe something happens when we accept personal responsibility for our behavior and results??
This is not easy because it is human nature to ‘pass the buck’. As one grow older (and wiser),one can always find the culprit in the mirror when things go wrong. In every Instance it comes back to choices the person has made that put them exactly where they are today.
Adopting an attitude of personal accountability means you’ve more control over your destiny. You become a contributor instead of a passive observer. Others look to you for leadership and you gain a reputation as a problem solver. You experience the satisfaction that comes from getting things done. There’s less anger, frustration helplessness, which in turn leads to better physical health. There’s a positive spillover into your personal and spiritual Life. Sometimes winning isn’t about finishing first, it’s about finishing – accomplished task; purpose fulfilled by the grace of God.Jesus accomplished His purpose on earth by reconciling you and I back to our father God. It is finished. Also the Apostle Paul said: I have fought a good fight of faith in Christ. (2 Tim 4:7).
MEDITATION: John 19: 30
MATT 20:17-34/NUM 15 & 16/ECCL 9:13; 10:1-20