FRIDAY 23RD AUG., 2019
TEXT: Colossians 1:22 “In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:..”
1. YOU HAVE BEEN RECONCILED TO GOD. God wants unbroken, intimate friendship with us, as with Adam in Eden. But sin made us enemies of God. Yet He never stopped pursuing that relationship, sending Jesus to restore it. He ‘made peace by means of Christ’s blood on his cross’ (v. 20), resulting in your reconciliation to God. The Greek word for ‘reconciliation’ means ‘to be friends as we once were.’ Now you can walk and talk with God as Adam did. Now God sees you as ‘holy and blameless without a single fault.
2. YOU ARE THE LORD’S REDEEMED. At the Jordan River John saw Jesus and said, ‘…”Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”‘ (John 1:29). Jesus, ‘In whom we have redemption through his blood…’ (Colossians 1:14). The word ‘redemption’ means ‘liberation from captivity by a ransom paid.’ Not only are you purchased at the cost of Christ’s life, you are also adopted by blood into God’s family.
3. YOU ARE FORGIVEN OF ALL SINS. ‘In whom (Jesus) we have…the forgiveness of sins.’ How did He accomplish the total removal of all our sins? (Col. 2:14). He wrote in His blood, ‘paid in full’ across your outstanding bill of indebtedness to God, nailing your ‘cancelled debt notice’ to His cross. You are forgiven. You owe nothing!
MEDITATION: 1 John 1:7-9
JN 6:1-21; I CHRO 22 & 23; ZEC 9
Godhead Interdenominational Ministry