TEXT: 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away….”
Forming a negative opinion based on appearance takes less than twenty seconds. As someone would say: ‘It’s easy to do when someone doesn’t look, sound, shake hands, or think like you. However, John says, “…Anyone who does not love his brother…cannot love God…” (1 John 4:20). You cannot love God if you harbour bad feelings towards others. We’re more than flesh-we’re spiritual beings-and our God-given gifts, character, values, intellect, and passions are the foundation of who we are, not our height, weight, mannerisms, hair colour and age. When we realise God loves us even though He doesn’t like some of our attitudes and actions, it becomes easier to love others. When we realise our negative feelings towards others get in the way of our love for God, it becomes easier to love. When we’re in communion with our Creator, asking Him to give us His eyes and heart …it becomes easier to love. Jesus said, “…If you only love the loveable, do you expect a pat on the back? [Even] run-of-the-mill sinners do that…” (Lk 6:31). It may never be easy to love certain people, but when you make the tough choice to love them anyway, the rewards are always worth it.’ The Bible says, ‘Love never fails,’ and when you refuse to love, you miss out on God’s best. One Bible teacher says: ‘Don’t miss out on any of it…God is love, and when you release love, you release God, and He becomes responsible for the outcome. It meets all needs in life.
Love is not optional; it must be given the first place of importance and priority in our walk with God.You must choose to operate in love as a behavioural pattern and not waiting for a feeling to motivate you.
Release love every moment into every situation, every prayer and every thought …It will strengthen…and cast out fear…it’s the one solution that always works.’
MEDITATION: Jn. 13:34 , 1 Jn. 4:12
1 THESS. 5; IS 23&24; PS. 116
©Godhead Interdenominational Ministry