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TEXT: Esther 4:14 “For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

It’s no accident that you are alive today, it’s no accident that you were born in this generation and not in the 1700s or 1800s. There’s a divine purpose and a divine destiny on your life and you’ve come to the kingdom for such a time as this. A young Jewish girl named Esther heard similar words. She had been selected from among many girls to meet the king who was looking for a queen. Esther was chosen, and it was a good thing for the entire Jewish nation. One of the king’s advisers had devised a plan to kill the Jews, but God gave Esther favor. She had the earsof the king. As a result, she saved the Jews from destruction.

The interesting thing is that Esther becoming queen was the small picture, which is all we see sometimes from our human point of view. The bigger picture- God’s picture – was that Esther was positioned as queen by God to fulfil divine purpose. We need to take a lesson from Esther, we need to quit looking at the small picture and look at the big picture. So often, God directs us to a city or a nation as part of His divine plan, but we’re tempted to complain about the weather, the city, the job, and all the mundane details. Yet, none of those details really matter because God is working out bigger picture. God is working out His divine plan and purpose for our lives. It’s time to take the limits off. Think BIG. Think like God. Be confident in the fact that God knows more about your future than you know about your past. Trust Him. If you’ve followed God to the place where you are, then you are positioned for a purpose. Make sure you recognize His divine destiny on you. He has big plans for you and He’ll lead you one step at a time.

Today, in what area of your life should you take the limits off? Write them down and watch God go to work.

MEDITATION: Ephesians 3:20

LK 19:1-27/GEN 32-33/PSALM 25

Godhead Interdenominational Ministry

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