TEXT: Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven….”
The people that the world sees as pitiable – the poor in spirit, the poor in possession, those who mourn, those who are hungry and thirsty and persecuted – are the “new” blessed. It is Jesus Himself who ushers in this new age. It is He who sets the status quo on its head and revises definition of first and last, high and low, rich and poor. In the Beatitudes, Jesus opening words, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (vs 3) is the key to all the other beatitudes. Why does Christ begin with poverty of spirit? Why is this part in the fore front? Christ does it to show that poverty in Spirit is the very basis and foundation of all other graces that follow. Till a man / woman be poor in spirit, he/she cannot mourn. Poverty of Spirit is like the fire under the still, which makes the water drop from the eyes.
When a man is poor in spirit, he cannot hunger and thirst for righteousness. He must first be sensible of want before he can hunger. Therefore, Christ begins with poverty of spirit because this ushers in all the rest. When a man sees himself as nothing, out of this nothing, God makes a most beautiful creature. It is God’s usual method to make man poor in spirit, and then fills him with the graces of the Spirit.
Just like we deal with a watch, we take it first to pieces and then set all the wheels and pins in order, so the Lord first takes a man all to pieces, shows him his undone conditions and then sets him in frame. But before all these, we are most blessed if we are empty and ready to receive Jesus and all that He ushers into our hearts, minds and soul. Let this be your prayer – More like Jesus, I want to be, fill my soul with peace, love and make me gentle as thou art. Lord Jesus “I want more of you”.
MEDITATION: Jeremiah 18:1-8, Galatians 4:19
1 COR 15:1-34; 2 KGS 10; MICAH 1
Godhead Interdenominational Ministry